Chicken Soup and Journaling for the Mind

Chicken Soup and Journaling for the Mind

One on my favorite activities on a cold winter night is to journal with a warm bowl of chicken noodle soup. There's a common misconception out there that you have to be a writer or be a creative person to journal. It's seems as though people aren't confident in the benefits of putting their own thoughts down on paper. I'm not going to lie, I was one of these exact type of people.

For the last month I decided to write down a recap of my day in my journal. My main goal at first was to utilize journaling as a daily business tool so I wouldn't forget ideas. Over the course of a few weeks my journaling evolved into a recap of how my day went including what time I woke up, if I was productive and what distractions I had throughout the day. I was able to fine tune my day based on what I wrote down.

In my short sample size of journaling I have made the following observations.

  • By journaling the last 30 minutes before I went to bed I found it extremely easy to fall asleep. According to my Fitbit I've been falling asleep 20 minutes faster previous to journaling. I no longer lay in bed and stress out about the next day and what I didn't accomplish today.
  • Journaling has made me more productive. I've pinpointed certain points of the day that I was all over the place work wise. I now answer emails at certain times, complete product research during an afternoon window and always leave room for journaling at the end of the day.
  • My stress levels have been reduced. Look I'm not going to say that journaling has completely gotten rid of my stress because its 2018 and everyone is stressed. That's just the world we live in. I will say that journaling helps me to relax and gives me private time spent with myself and my own thoughts.
  • One of my favorite things that I started doing in my journal was keeping track of goals. A lot of people write down New Year resolutions and try to do simple things but often fail within the first 30 days. I've started writing down daily, weekly and yearly goals that I can track on a micro and macro basis by having them all together. Journaling daily almost makes me more accountable for my goals because they are right in front of my face daily.

Overall I'm throughly impressed with the effects of journaling on my personal mental health. I'm going to continue to post weekly updates on our blog with the benefits that I've been experiencing. 

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